Buried among the dusty files of state and national archives are records of long forgotten murders and manslaughter; memories of the victims faded like ink on dry paper. How did they live, how and why did they die … and what secrets are still to be revealed?
Join researcher Emma Curtin as she delves into the Murder Archives.

Living with her parents in one of Melbourne’s wealthiest, privileged suburbs, shy and reserved 29-year-old Norma was taking gentle steps toward independence. But in September 1929, a savage blow to the head brought her dreams, and her life, to an abrupt end …

Complex relationships, illegal activity and suspicious accidents tainted the life and foreshadowed the death of Sarah Ann Robins. Her murder by poisoning in 1904 brought every sordid detail to the surface. A daughter’s betrayal, an acquittal, a battle over property and a death-bed confession turned this case into a journalist’s dream …
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